MET Validates Curriculum Design in Brazil

MET Validates Curriculum Design in Brazil

Fisk administrators decided to add the Michigan English Test (MET) to their offerings. They knew that their students were successfully reaching their English proficiency goals, so they wanted to prove the validity of their teaching method by offering this international certification.

MET Helps Peruvian Students Obtain Scholarships

MET Helps Peruvian Students Obtain Scholarships

The Programa Nacional de Becas y Crédito Educativo (PRONABEC) was set up by the ministry to provide greater access to higher education and to help meet Peru’s goal of becoming a bilingual country by 2021, with a focus on the English language. The MET certification satisfied the government’s requirement for the PRONABEC scholarship.

MET Go! Exceeds Expectations in Uruguay

MET Go! Exceeds Expectations in Uruguay

Alianza Cultural Uruguay-Estados Unidos (Alianza), founded in 1939, is part of the binational center global network. Its mission is to enrich lives in Uruguay and the United States by strengthening educational, social, and cultural links between the peoples of both...
Learners Earn MYLE Medals in Peru

Learners Earn MYLE Medals in Peru

Peruvian binational center Centro Peruano Americano, El Cultural successfully measures their students’ success with the Michigan Young Learners English (MYLE) tests. El Cultural, which was founded in 1949 by Peruvian and North American academics, develops diverse...