Your Next Steps with MET: Study Abroad in the U.S.
After you prove your English proficiency by taking MET, you may want to use the certification to study abroad at a university in the United States. Learn about some of your options.
After you prove your English proficiency by taking MET, you may want to use the certification to study abroad at a university in the United States. Learn about some of your options.
The Greek ECCE and ECPE administrations will take place in January. The December administrations in other countries will continue as planned.
As we approach the close of this challenging year, we reflect on the positive aspects from a season of uncertainty. We are thankful for our partners and educators who are dedicated to supporting students through any challenges—there’s nobody we would rather be working with during these uncertain times
English language learners ages 11 to 15 take MET Go! to show their accomplishments in their studies. Here are some activities for teachers who are preparing students for the MET Go! Writing Section.