Have you ever wondered how English exam preparation materials are put together? Whether it’s a practice test or a study book, there’s expertise behind Michigan Language Assessment resources–and here’s your chance to read about one of the many who make it happen! From...
Michigan Language Assessment, a collaboration between the University of Michigan and Cambridge University Press & Assessment, and International House Mexico (IH), a network of language schools in Latin America, are excited to announce a new partnership....
Michigan Language Assessment is proud to be a Diamond Sponsor for English USA. As such, we will be co-sponsoring the Annual Networking Reception organized by EnglishUSA at the NAFSA Convention in New Orleans, LA. Visit the Michigan Language Assessment at booth #500 at...
Teaching English abroad has long been a dream for adventurous people seeking to immerse themselves in new cultures while sharing their language skills. This experience has evolved significantly in the last decade, offering both challenges and enriching opportunities...
The reading section of MET covers grammar, multiple-text reading, and single-text reading in just over an hour (65 minutes). It’s important to have a well-rounded study plan that will prepare you for each part of the section. The tips below will help you feel more...