As announced earlier this year, Michigan Language Assessment is in the process of revising the Examination for the Certificate of Competency in English (ECCE) and the Examination for the Certificate of Proficiency in English (ECPE). The test updates will reflect feedback from test users, changes to the test-taker population, and new thinking in language assessment.
Recently, Michigan Language Assessment conducted the first pilot tests for the new exams. The pilot tests were well-received. ECCE pilot changes included playing the listening part two twice, a reduced number of items, and an updated writing task. ECPE pilot changes included new listening parts, playing listening part three twice, a reduced number of items, and more time to work on the writing task.
Test takers offered positive feedback about the pilot testing. A common theme among test takers was an appreciation for the listening section audio replay.
Test administrators had the opportunity to offer constructive feedback and to experience the exam changes firsthand. For the administrators, it was important to understand how exam improvements would affect the process of proctoring the exams. They said, “the instructions were clear and easy to follow,” which allowed for a smooth exam administration.
Michigan Language Assessment is grateful to all test centers who piloted the exam. Currently, our assessment experts are carefully analyzing the results of the piloting in order to ensure the overall level of each test is maintained and to account for stakeholder feedback in determining the tests’ final specifications. The final specifications for the revised ECCE and ECPE are expected to be released in early 2020. In May 2021, the new and improved exams will be available to test takers everywhere.