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New ECCE and ECPE Preparation Resources Available

New ECCE and ECPE Preparation Resources Available

Prepare to do your best on the Examination for the Certificate of Proficiency in English (ECPE) or the Examination for the Certificate of Competency in English (ECCE) with these new resources for test takers and English language teachers. These resources, including...

Welcome, Texas Board of Nursing!

Welcome, Texas Board of Nursing!

On October 24, 2024, the Texas Board of Nursing voted to approve the Michigan English Test (MET) as an appropriate English proficiency exam for internationally educated licensure applicants taking the NCLEX Ⓡ exam through Texas. It was determined that healthcare...

International Education Week

International Education Week

November 18-22 is International Education Week, a time to recognize and celebrate international students in the U.S. More than 1 million people from around the world attended colleges and universities in every state in 2022-23, a 12 percent increase from the previous...

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