In order to deliver the high-quality exams that you expect from Michigan Language Assessment, our assessment experts have continued diligently working on the revisions to the Examination for the Certificate of Competency in English (ECCE) and the Examination for the Certificate of Proficiency in English (ECPE). The full sample tests for the revised exams, which were scheduled to be released at separate times, will now both be published in July. The preparations for the revised exams remain on schedule, and—provided it is safe to do so— the updated tests will be launched in May 2021 as originally planned.
Earlier this year, we released the revised specifications and some sample items for both exams. During the last few months, we have adjusted our timeline in response to test administration changes as a result of COVID-19. The revised sample test release has been rescheduled due to the delayed May and June 2020 administrations of the ECCE and ECPE.
Publishers, test center representatives, and others who have questions about the revised exams or the sample test release date can contact us at
Teachers and test takers who are preparing for the 2020 ECCE and ECPE administrations can benefit from the new preparation resources that are available in our free resource library. ECCE and ECPE administrations during 2020 remain unchanged and continue to reflect the current format and specifications.