Nursing is a global profession that is always in demand. The essence of the job may be the same across borders, but the practice of it can vary widely. This can pose hurdles to ensuring that international nurses coming to the U.S. or elsewhere are ready to provide the best care possible. Papers such as “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health” use data to synthesize trends, challenges, and current legislation to make recommendations about how the profession can improve both in the U.S. and globally.
Among the recommendations made in this paper are: promoting more rigorous educational requirements, harmonizing nursing curricula, including global health in courses, and establishing a national system that monitors and tracks the inflow of foreign nurses and their demographic data.
While the paper was published in 2011, its contents still apply today (one might argue even more so) as staffing shortages continue. International nurse recruitment is on the rise in the U.S. and other countries.
Read the entire paper from CGFNS International to learn more about the possibilities of the nursing profession.
The role of Michigan Language Assessment in nursing
Michigan Language Assessment provides high-stakes English exams to nurses around the world so they can demonstrate their English language proficiency to boards of nursing, government agencies, and employers. To learn more about the Michigan English Test (MET), visit our website.